Bonika Sharpeners Blog
Subscribing to one of the two Youtube Channels hosted by Bonika Shears has the following benefits: Sharpeners subscribing to the Bonika Shears Youtube channel will find the videos quickly when running into a sharpening issue. Chances are there is a video that...
Mobile sharpeners need the right tools and equipment to sharpen inside a hair salon or grooming shop. Usually there is a place to set up to sharpen their shears in the actual building. This video shows me packing my shear...
New Website! Notice to returning customers. If you had an account with before your login and password will not work until you "create" an account. Once you create an account with your old email and password all your previous...
- Watch the complete video of the Sharpeners Jam in 2007. Presentations by actual shear and blade sharpeners.
This really was “Sharp Wars” in Atlanta, GA on May 5, 2019. Great ideas were shared in the competition and nearly as many were shared over breakfast, dinner, break times in small groups as the sharpening business was discusses. For...