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December 23, 2020 1 min read 0 Comments

Subscribing to one of the two Youtube Channels hosted by Bonika Shears has the following benefits:

Sharpeners subscribing to the Bonika Shears Youtube channel will find the videos quickly when running into a sharpening issue. Chances are there is a video that covers whatever situation that could come up. By turning on the notification bell sharpeners will be alerted when a new Youtube video uploads. 

Stylists will want to subscribe to the Love2Cut channel which is designed uniquely for them. These videos will cover how to care for their shears, interviews with internationally famous stylists and full length hair cutting videos, plus product reviews. Sharpeners may benefit from these videos too and are encouraged to embed them on their websites.

The videos produced by Bonika Shears for both stylists and sharpeners are designed to supplement the education whether from sharpening training or cosmetology school. Youtube videos from Bonika Shears are a continuing education for all those who love shears and scissors.