Bonika Stylist Blog

  • Dropship with Bonika

    I just talked to a person who paid $6,000.00 to set up a website and learn to dropship. It's pretty easy to drop ship our shears with Bonika. These are the steps: Build a website. Not all that hard with...

  • 800 mm Radius on Beauty Shears - Is This a Real Thing?

    The 800 mm radius myth started a number of years ago. Larry Brooks, a well respected retired shear sharpener, wrote a book on how to sharpen beauty scissors. To my knowledge this is still the only book on how to...

  • How to Shop for Shears at a Hair Show

    Hair and beauty shows can be one of the best places to shop for shears. There may be dozens of companies to choose from with several styles from each vendor. The choices can be daunting. Here are some tips to...

  • What is Your Cutting Personality?

    Every cutter has a style of cutting that is all their own. But within those styles certain personality characteristics emerge that will influence that best shears to select to match your cutting traits. I’ve chosen to describe these as the...

  • Do My Shears Need Sharpening or Replacing?

    Anna writes... "I have had my Bonika shears for over 10 years now. I love them and would not trade them for anything. It seems that they cut at an angle. I do not work as a hair dresser full...