Michael Schultz, CEO
His favorite shear is the 6.5" Jazzy.
Barber/Hairstylist, Educator, Inventor, Manufacturer
Dual Patent Holder ClipPro, LLC See Demo www.clippro.net
After many years of hearing customers complain that they had to go back to work with itchy hair clippings falling down the back of the neck, Michael decided to come up with the solution.
Then started the journey to explore options, finally developing with the idea and design for the ClipPro Vacuum & Self-Sterilizing Neck Duster. The concept was not only to vacuum the small hairs from the back of the neck, but to have the unit Kill Bacteria and sterilize itself automatically as well.
It took four years and much trial and error to develop, test and manufacture this one-of-a kind tool that every barber and stylist should soon have in their arsenal.
The ClipPro “Original Self-Sanitizing Electric Neck Duster” has been awarded Two Patents, Patent Number. 742084. Patent Number.734574 .ClipPro is having great success with Barbers and Hairstylist Nationwide since its introduction to the industry.